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Bulgaria's Abandoned Children Find Hope (Amazing People Documentary) | @RealStories

In the hills of rural Bulgaria lies Mogilino, a small village whose main employer is the children's  ...View More

I Contracted HIV On Purpose | Ask The Mask | Channel 4 Documentaries

'Wolf' actively sought out HIV+ men and had unprotected sex, seeking to contract the virus. He also  ...View More

Do you see ‘red mist’ when you get angry? #C4TheJury #Documentary

SUBSCRIBE: About #4Docs: Welcome  ...View More

Corrupt UK Police Employed Dangerous Criminals | Ask The Mask | Channel 4 Documentaries

Police whistle-blower “Fox” has opened-up about his time in the Met Police, and the corruption that  ...View More

‘My Psychic Powers Have Made Over £300k’ | Life Uncovered ft. Chris Riley | Channel 4

'Psychic to the stars' Chris Riley has a huge waiting list; and gives thousands of readings each yea ...View More

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